- Availability: In Stock
Manganese Greensand Plus Inversand - Media untuk Besi & Mangan Sak 20kg
GreensandPlus adalah media filter berwarna hitam untuk menghilangkan kandungan besi terlarut, Mangan, Hidrogen sulfida, Arsenic & Radium dari air tana.
Lapisan Manganese Dioxide pada GreensandPlus berfungsi sebagai katalis dalam proses oksidasi besi & mangan.
Inti silika dari GreensandPlus memungkina media untuk bertahan pada air dengan kadar silika, TDS & Hardness yang rendah tanpa mengalami kerusakan.
Harga per sak 20kg
Jl. Delta sari indah av no 33
Telp : 031-99042029 Fax : 031-8536552,
Hp : 081234544118, 08112776406, 089677880084
WA : 081234544118
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The Inversand Company only sells to distributors of filter media and related products as well as to OEMs (original equipment manufactures).
Performance Media for Water Filtration
GreensandPlus™ is a black, granular filter medium used in pressure-type filtration systems.
* Removes Iron, Manganese, Hydrogen Sulfide, Arsenic and Radium
Hydrogen Sulfide Removal
GreensandPlus directly oxidizes sulfide and catalyzes the oxidation reaction. Increased run length and service life of GreensandPlus may be realized by pre-feeding a solution of chlorine-containing compounds.
Regeneration with chlorine should be initiated before the complete exhaustion and sulfide is detected in the treated water to prevent damage to the media.
Arsenic Removal
GreensandPlus can be used to remove arsenic from ground water in the presence of iron. Chlorine must be pre-injected to oxidize the iron and convert arsenite to arsenate and keep the media regenerated.
Arsenic combines with oxidized iron and is filtered out in the media. If there is not a sufficient amount of iron present in the raw water, then an iron salt such as ferric chloride can be pre-injected.
A general guideline is 1 mg/L of iron to remove 20 µg/L of arsenic. This can vary greatly depending on pH, silica, and other competing ions in the water.
Radium Removal
GreensandPlus can be used to remove radium from ground water in the presence of manganese, in a similar manner to arsenic removal. In the case of radium, manganese in the raw water is necessary.
If there is not a sufficient amount of manganese present, then manganese sources, such as manganous sulfate can be pre-injected.